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Muziek klas


A Product Service System

By Group 5

Ever wanted to be able to play your favourite song?

InstruRental is for you!
Explore your musical abilities with InstruRental.

The Problem: Where to Start?

A lot of people are interested in learning an instrument, however the upfront costs are a big downside for picking up an instrument that you may or may not enjoy or commit to. Then when buying an instrument there is the struggle of choice out of the overwhelming amount of models, each with different advantages and disadvantages. Then after purchase, where do you start learning? Via YouTube videos, via music schools or should you get physical private lessons? Although there is an abundant quantity of possibilities, it is hard to figure out which one applies to you and in what order should you learn. Another major concern is the maintenance of an instrument, doing this properly without any experience can be difficult and intimidating. All these factors combined can potentially turn people away from trying out a musical hobby they wanted to explore.

The Solution: InstruRental

InstruRental solves all these problems and more. InstruRental is an affordable and accessible service where you can lease an instrument of your choosing in order to kick-start your musical hobby. This service will provide the instrument, maintenance, recorded and live lessons, on top of the additional tools needed for a beginner friendly instrument. In addition to these practical parts, the service will also provide a community space where users can share improvements and ideas, ask questions and get feedback of professional musicians.


InstruRental will provide guitars, piano's and drums, since these instruments are the most wanted for beginners. In addition to the instruments, all the necessary accessories per instrument will also be offered.

Guitar, Piano and Drums

The Product

The Service

Learning Platform

InstruRental provides maintenance service for the instrument. So the user can focus on learning the instrument in the best way possible using the community website, where questions can be asked, and music lessons can be watched.

Lessons, community forum, repairment and instalment

For More Information

Market Research

In this section a PACT analysis and the market competition will be researched. Which will result in a design vision and a requirements list.

Design Progress

This section includes the design progress of our product and its service, from ideation to conceptualization. Also, the prototype of the service will be discussed.

Business Model

In this section all the financial regards of our product and the service will be discussed and evaluated.

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